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Customer Testimonials

Here's what our customers have to say about us.

"I browsed the web one day (in Sydney Australia) looking to purchase a pair of hair cutting scissors for my wife. I could not find any here in Sydney. It had to be a particular brand and a specific model, length, etc. After a day or so browsing, I arrived at the site of Hairizon Singapore and after a few prompt email enquiries and replies, I placed my order and paid by Visa. Naturally I was apprehensive about what I would receive, if any at all, but the lovely pair of scissors arrived earlier than expected, in its original pouch and box. I was impressed. I will definitely be placing future orders with Hairizon Singapore as they carry heaps of other stuff as well. Not only are they friendly and efficient, they did supply what I wanted, and the item was reasonably priced too." 

  • Henry Charles from Australia

"Fantastic service from Hairizon. The item was a much cheaper price than I could obtain from the UK (where I live) and their communication with me was excellent. The item arrived very quickly and it was very well packed - no concerns about damage in shipping. The razor is really good and gives me great, smooth shaves. Thanks for your excellent service."

  • Michael from United Kingdom